Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

For some reason, blogging sounded like a fun thing to do right now. 

So here I sit in my new reading chair that looks like this
Just kidding. But doesn't that look sweet??

Either way, I'm on my new laptop because my old laptop totally shit the bed. I mean, literally fell apart into two pieces. Ridiculous. 

Am I supposed to cuss on this thing? Probably not.

Oh well, I said it. Can't take it back now.

It's summer time. I was actually never a huge fan of summer, even in my middle and high school days. I'm still not. I just prefer the school year for some reason.

Maybe it's just because I'm a nerd. Or maybe it's because, despite my completely unstructured lifestyle, I've learned that I need a set schedule day-to-day in order to not go crazy or completely seclude myself.

Don't get me wrong, seclusion can be nice sometimes (hence, the new reading chair and the crazy amount of use that it's gotten... seriously, I think I live in it) but I have a tendency to be an extreme person so maybe it's not the best idea for my life.

My extreme personality has come out in full force this summer:

I attempted to do this 17 Day Diet thing with my sister. Psh... epic fail. I was 10 days in and eating this type of stuff
except not quite as much food.

But I was dreaming about this
 before I finally just gave in and ate some Papa John's Pizza (110% worth it). I then proceeded to eat reeces and ice cream. Then I drank some Dr. Pepper. Then I ate some cake

 Apparently when I fall of the band wagon, I fall hard.

Needless to say, by the end of the night I thought I was going to puke but, I'll tell you something, I was very happy. And I think my family was too. Something about me not having food tends to turn me into this..

I'm also attempting to figure out my life. You know, going into my senior year and all. Ugh. Gross. I hate growing up. If I have to fill out one more application for the future I might just scream.

I feel like I'm living T.I.'s lyrics: "Hindsight 20/20, Future not as clear." Thank you Christopher Joseph Harris, Jr. for your words of wisdom (yes, that IS T.I.'s real name... and yes, I am just using this opportunity to reveal that I know that).

But, for real, I spent the night at my cousin's house last night and stayed up super late, just like the old days, and we were just marveling at how old we've gotten and how life has changed and how much it's going to change in the coming years. Weird. Weird. Weird.

When did this happen?? I wish I could just stop time for a second or two.

Eh, oh well, that's all I got for now. And probably for another while. But I shall leave you with some lyrics from a band that I can't stop listening to, Florence and the Machine, not because it relates in any way at all. In fact, it doesn't relate at all. It just sounds like the cool thing to do and it's my blog so I can do what I want:

I took the stars from my eyes,
And then I made a map,
I knew that somehow,
I could find my way back,
Then I heard your heart beating,

you were in the darkness too,
So I stayed in the darkness with you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm Back

Well I just got back from dinner with some of my favies (yes, favies.) who are new-found bloggers. And as I sit in Milliken, contemplating the complexities of Colin Wells argument in his essay, "How Did God Get Started?" for my theories class, I just can't help but realize that I would rather be doing literally anything besides this paper.

So, to quote a track from the once-proclaimed "King of the South" artist T.I., "Like a G I hold it down for the town I'm at. In a flash like that, recognize I'm back."


Clearly I have returned from New Zealand (against my will, of course) and am now back in the good ole U-S of A. I did take a side trip to Australia that I have yet to explain. Perhaps one day you people will get those stories. Who knows? Not me.

So here I sit, across from Sarah, who I just awkwardly stared at, and am still awkwardly staring at. Creepy, I know. Now we are creeping on each other. Awesome.

Literally, what do people write about in blogs?

I'm going to be honest, this is probably going to my last one. But it's been real. And it's been fun. And it has allowed for further procrastination on my part.

As I depart, I leave you with the words that are pumping through my speakers, motivating me to press on with this paper. These words are the words of a small-time hero of mine, Marshall Mathers, or as most people know him, Eminem:

"Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength and just pull that PAPER out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse."

Eminem, you always know exactly what to say to speak to my heart.