Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just Livin'

So this past week has been crazy. Getting back into the swing of school and all of that nonsense is NOT my favorite thing. I think my problem is I have a real lack of motivation. Especially since the weather has been PERFECT.

It's starting to get to be springtime weather. And that makes me completely unable to stay inside. Do you want to know how depressing it is to sit in a lecture hall with NO windows when it is sunny and 70 degrees outside? I'll tell you, SUPER depressing!
This weekend was the first one since we got here that we did not travel. And I have to say, I was SO restless. I don't think I can handle staying in one spot for long. This is going to be a really bad thing when I get back to the States. But lack of funds is making the whole traveling on the reg thing less and less realistic by the day.

This weekend was really fun though, even though we just hung around Christchurch. Because I was able to spend most of it outside wandering around, playing around, and hanging around.
And, at one point this weekend, we did my favorite thing in the entire world: karaoke. Shout out to the rando Asian Karaoke place that we ended up at. What a ridiculous evening!

Oh, also, it was Cathy's 20th birthday last Thursday. All of us had forewarned her that 20th birthdays are like the worst birthdays in the world. I thought I was alone in this, but everybody agreed. Nobody had a good 20th birthday. So we all promised her that we would make sure she had a great one. Well, appendicitis had other plans and came and interrupted her life. And instead of enjoying her birthday party in New Zealand with great friends, she had to spend it in the hospital recovering from surgery. But she took it well. What a trooper.

And this afternoon Shona, Courtney, Kim (Courtney's sister who is visiting -- my sisters should probably take a lesson from her, just saying), and I got in their rented car Fez and took a day trip to Akaroa. It was so pretty. And so fun. We got some fish n chips -- a staple in the New Zealand diet -- and just walked around. Even got to see a GORGEOUS sunset on the way out. What a great Monday afternoon.

Hm... what else can I talk about to avoid my homework?...

Daylight savings occurred on Saturday night so now there is more light in the day and the days are longer. Springtime is my favorite time.

I just started the sixth season of LOST. And just finished watching the first episode of this season. And cannot find a place to watch any of the other episodes because they have all been removed due to infringement. Seriously, why is this happening to me?!

I watched The Sixth Sense for the first time last night. Creepy.

I have eaten more junk food than meals in the past couple days and I'm starting to feel sick from it.

I got back one of my grades from a paper. Clearly the professors here don't appreciate rap music like I do, that's all I have to say about that one.

I have a huge presentation that I need to do for my Social Movements class and I have never been more scared about a presentation. I have no idea what I'm talking about in this class. Why do we have to do presentations anyway? Gross.

My love for Andy Samberg has grown exponentially since I got here.

I am really behind on work. I don't know how they expect us to just jump back into school after a month long break. My heart just isn't in it.

Also, it is quite difficult to write papers when our library is closed down. Not sure how to handle this one.

I have to say, talking to the sister makes me wish I could see the nieces and nephews and just hang out with them. Can't help but miss these kids!

But, despite the schoolwork, life is great. The sun shines just for me and I feel good. (I hope you caught that Boy Meets World reference.)

Okay, this is enough rambling for today. Stay Sweet, my friends, Stay Sweet.

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