Sunday, October 3, 2010

"most horribly offensive costume? probably the terrorists"

Well, well, well. Here we area again. I feel as though I should give an update of my life.

Last week, Shona and I became the champions when, after many hours and re-routing, we figured out our route for Australia! YEAH! So right before I leave to go back to good old Greer, South Carolina, I'm going to go to the Outback and see the Great Barrier Reef and have one last epic adventure. Stoked? Why yes, I am.

I'm also trying to figure out what to do in the weeks before that. You see, all of my exams are papers that must be turned in by October 22nd. I fly out November 13th. The Australia adventure begins November 4th. This means I have from October 22nd to November 3rd to finish seeing whatever there is left to see in New Zealand. Keep in mind, this is when most people will be taking exams. I am SO EXCITED!

Other than that, my week has consisted of some crazy laser tag with heaps and heaps of people on Thursday night. SO SO much fun! Even though I got last place. And when I say last place, I mean I had 70 points and the person closest to my score had 700 points. Fail? Probably.

Friday and Saturday consisted of another trip to Kaikoura. This time for Seafest. We drove into the most beautiful sunset and got ready for a great night. Friday night there was a concert but Cathy, Lindsay, Max, and I didn't have tickets so instead Lindsay played at an open mic and completely rocked it. We were all thoroughly impressed. That night some of us slept in tents in some random guys yard while others slept in the car. I was among the ones to sleep in the car. Surprisingly a lot more comfortable than expected. The next day was Seafest, which was basically 1000's of people walking around Kaikoura in costumes eating seafood and having a good time. All in all, a great day.

On Sunday morning back in Christchurch Courtney, Kim, Shona, Cathy, and I decided to rent some kayaks and kayak down the Avon River. Just being legit as. It was super peaceful and super fun. Afterwards, we laid in the sun and sipped our coffees as we talked about life. A great way to start a Sunday.

Cathy's host parents have left her all alone so Shona, Courtney, and I decided to stay the night at Cathy's house and keep her company. We had a delicious Mexican meal, ate Tim-Tams, drank tea, and watched The Jersey Shore as we pretended to work on homework.

As always, life is great. New Zealand is great. And I don't even want to think about parting with this place.

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