Monday, November 1, 2010

"Don't tell me where the road ends, cause I just don't want to know"

So since I have returned from the past South Island excursion I have spent my time trying to savor all that Christchurch has to offer while enjoying the company of my favorite people at the same time. It's so weird to think that, very shortly, I will no longer be spending every day with these people. They have become some of my best friends and leaving them, and this place, is something that I really don't like to think about. But, I kind of have to think about it because Shona and I leave for Australia in one day. And my room is completely packed up. So goodbye is becoming a serious reality.

In the meantime, our days have been filled with dreads everywhere at Dux-de-Lux along with chill reggae music. There has also been the occasional "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" heard from the casinos as we've made friends with fellow players and dealers. There was the sadness that was felt when I hugged our program coordinator, Eunice, goodbye for quite possibly the last time at our final IES get-together. There has been shopping for Australia and, of course, the ever delicious Pita Pit has been eaten. There has been heaps of excitement when people ask us for directions because we actually look like we know where we're going now. There has been a whole lot of relaxation as we celebrated Courtney's 21st birthday by watching Eat Pray Love in the cutest little local theater in Sumner and then surprising her by spending the next day at a spa getting massages at the greatest place in Diamond Harbour. Perhaps this part was less relaxing for her since we felt the need to blindfold her two hours prior to arriving in Diamond Harbour and continually lead her around aimlessly while confusing her about what we were actually doing. Oh, my bad. There has been lots of throwing rocks at windows and laughter and talking and a general sadness about leaving.

Sitting and waiting in the Bus Exchange today for 20 minutes was all too bitter sweet as I realized this may be the last time that I do that. Walking home alone at a ridiculous hour of the night was far less sketchy last night as I realized that it would literally be the last time that I did that. The walk to Ilam Apartments was nostalgic, to say the least. Dinner last night was just plain odd, because I knew I would never have dinner with this family again. And my room is pretty much just depressing. It is completely packed up and I can't help but realize that this is no longer my room starting tomorrow. This is the last night that I will be able to think of this home as my home.

I still have a full week of excitement ahead of me in Australia. And when I get back, I have one full day to enjoy Christchurch for the last time. And trust me, I am going to enjoy it and I am still living it up. But, still, moving out of my house is sad. This room is far too empty.

1 comment:

  1. wow saddest post ever. I'm right there with you. It's seriously SO CRAZY that we're spending our last days together. I still need to get you back for the blindfolding fiasco!!! Your room needs to be full of your stuff again.
