Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have yet to really do any schoolwork while being here. I mean, can you blame me?! I'm in New Zealand. Plus, unlike Wofford, most classes do not take attendance and most professors couldn't care less if you are there or not. And everything that I could possibly need for class is put on the slideshows that they post online. So really, why would I be slaving away at my studies? It is far easier here to slack off than in the States.

Nonetheless, at the beginning of this week, I made a vow to begin taking my studies seriously - I was going to attend every lecture and begin my essays so that I wouldn't have to worry about them later. (Side note, let me just say that my longest paper is 5 pages long and people are acting like that is a big deal -- seriously?! I could crank that out in like 2 hours.)

Well, that was the vow that I made. And that vow has EPICALLY failed. I have somehow managed to sleep in till 9:30 for my 9 o'clock class for two days in a row. Because it is a 30 minute walk to the University, this has caused me to miss my class that is happening right now. Oh, and I have yet to begin my essays.

All of this to say, I'm pretty sure I fail at life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, maybe you should do some school work. Just a thought...
