Thursday, August 19, 2010

the usual.

So this week has been kind of on the lame side. It's been really rainy and gross outside. Plus, I've had papers and research to get done. Blahh... Fortunately, my research is watching LOST so it's not the worst thing in the world. Also, the library at the University is so legit. It's 11 stories high and has a spectacular view so I can't complain about doing work too much.

Good news is, I am officially on a 2 week break! WOO WOO! My IES program is going to Rarotanga in the Cook Islands for a week starting tomorrow morning at like 5:30 am. And then immediately after that Courtney, Cathy, and I are going to road trip it around the North Island in a camper van for a week. So basically, it should be a really fun time.

I should be packing for this. But instead, I have been talking to everyone and their mother from home. It's always awesome to talk to people though. Makes me miss my friends and family. It'd be cool if they could just be here with me experiencing everything that I am experiencing. I know that you guys would love it.

Oh, and because my camera broke, I went and bought a new camera yesterday. Kind of ridiculous, but I had to do it. You just can't be in New Zealand without a camera. So, I'm sure I will have heaps of stories and pictures to share when I return from this epic 2 week trip.

But for now, all I have is stories of hanging out and my lifestyle of constant procrastination.

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