Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shredding and Gambling.

Okay, I lied. Maybe just a little bit of galavanting around NZ. What? I only have a month. I can't waste a perfectly beautiful weekend doing school work.

I mean, hacking into your friend's facebook and changing literally everything on it is far more entertaining (haha sorry Court).

Since this was the last weekend that Mt. Hutt would be open, obviously it was time to go snowboarding again. So Shona and I woke up far too early on Saturday morning (especially after being kept up by the loudest flat in the world the night before) and got on a bus towards Mt. Hutt.
It was an absolutely beautiful day minus some windy-ness.

Shona hadn't ever been snowboarding before so we started out on the Magic Carpet. What is that you ask? My answer: hilarity. Full story is too complicated to explain in this blog post. I'll explain at some point, I'm sure. Either way, once we soon moved from that tiny, weird slope to the actual mountain.

Since I had already been before I thought I would pick up where I left off. Um.. totally false. The first half hour was pretty much horrible. I kept wondering why I sucked so bad. But then all of a sudden I got up and it just kind of clicked again. So the rest of the afternoon was so awesome. And so much fun! Oh, and check out the view.

For some reason, hurling myself to the ground instead of learning how to slow down and stop seemed like a good idea at the beginning of the day. However, by the end of the day, I had realized just how stupid that was to do and was stopping and controlling a lot better. And wasn't falling/throwing myself to the ground quite so much. There was a minor incident with a rando Asian woman, but that sincerely was entirely her fault. So basically, I'm not saying I'm a pro or anything, but I think me and Shaun White could be buddies.

The windy-ness picked up quite a bit around 3 o'clock and I almost boarded off a hugely steep drop at one point because of it. Seriously, it was really windy. The mountain ended up closing early because of the wind being too dangerous. So, we headed back to ChCh.

That evening was a re-celebration of Cathy's birthday since her actual birthday was spent recovering from surgery. So we headed into town and hit the casino for some Black Jack and gambling. Shona almost got kicked out for cheating when she took a picture. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but they told her she couldn't take pictures. Apparently, we look like the cheating type. We ended up staying really late because Cathy has a gambling problem. Just kidding. She doesn't.

And today has been quite perfect, despite the fact that I'm too sore to sit down properly. I slept in, which was necessary. When I woke up from my coma I thought seriously about doing work. And then realized that it was far too beautiful outside to stay inside. So I brought my books and iPod with me and walked to Uni to see the Ilam Gardens... looking pretty nice these days. But the vibes weren't right there so I hopped on a bus.

I ended up getting off in town, picked up some Pit Pita and brought it to the Botanic Gardens. It was awesome just sitting in the sun amidst some beautiful flowers and people playing with bubbles and journaling and listening to the Resonate Podcast from home. It really made me miss that community. That's one thing I'm excited to get back to.

By the way, I've been looking for things to be excited about returning to: my mother's cookies and Dr. Pepper are at the top of my list, alongside moments like this.

Needless to say, I didn't open my books for school all afternoon, but it was a pretty perfect and much needed way to spend a Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting up a pic of me looking like a horrendous fatty!
    P.S. Way to NOT do schoolwork again. But let's be real, I didn't really think you would stop playing long enough to do it anyways. I would do the same.
